In Sub Sharan Africa, we have identified the forces related to the prospects and hazards that determine and mitigate necessary risk in line with essential business governance.
- Affordable (quality) housing is a global phenomenon. Initiatives are being created globally to facilitate both emerging and established markets.
- The solar energy, mini-grid (off-grid electrification initiative) is a US$300 billion market in the West African ECOWAS network alone
- A TCO schedule offers robust depreciate of up to 20 years. The polyurethane element offers a building depreciation of up to 50 years
- Products can be pre-made prior to Lego type assembly after distribution. 5-man team can erect up to 1,000spm of accommodation in number of days. All buildings are scalable and expandable (space permitting).
- There are no hazardous materials utilized in the production process.
Innovative Encumbrance & Barriers
- Importation of offshore products can prove costly compared to local parameters
- Inefficient process management can prove to be time consuming with regard to the necessity and demand
- Inconsistent regulatory conduct may create a barrier
- New entrants utilizing alternate materials may determine price variances
Opportunities & Threats
- The real estate market that requires efficient affordable housing is a multi-billion-dollar industry in West Africa
- Speed of product assembly is essential to capitalization of the commercial offering
- Threats exist for larceny and deception as individual product layers are transported into the country
- We offer a great brand of quality material, already being utilized in Europe and Australia.
- Management of operations is expertly delivered through project engineers and OEM expert staff (in Ghana) the local workforce are consistently and essentially being upskilled
- The housing market and various business sectors desperately require efficient low-cost accommodation to complement ongoing infrastructure development. Coupled with our solar offering (potential mini-grid) we are participating in creative tasks to lower global emissions as a strategic initiative.